When I came home from Australia I still had a year and a half of university to complete. I was majoring in Psychology at the time and after studying abroad I knew that psych wasn't the career path I wanted to go down. But honestly, I had no idea what it was that I wanted to pivot to. But being halfway through my degree I decided to complete my Bachelor's in Psychology and reassess upon graduation. I was young, like not even 21 yet, freshly graduated from college, and I had so much left to experience before I'd realize a passion that was literally always in front of my eyes. (I'm looking at you - massive photo album of film shots I took on my 35mm camera on an 8th grade field trip to Washington D.C)
I moved to Buffalo, NY which at the time was a dang CITY for me and prepared to take on life and whatever that entailed. I had no clue and honestly, I wasn't too rushed to figure it all out hahaha My main priority was going to every single concert I could now that I didn't have to drive over an hour to go see one. But that's where my journey truly began.
I linked up with a local company that booked almost all of the shows in town and they had me shoot pictures at their shows and in exchange I got into shows for free. Pretty great deal for me at the time. I had no formal training, or even informal training really, but I was eager and passionate and that was enough to get my foot in the door. As I grew myself as a live music photographer over the years I began to shoot large music festivals like Firefly and Riot Fest and fell in love with photographing in natural light. The way it complimented people entirely amazed me and I knew I had to delve into portrait work.